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Headteachers Forum

All the headteachers in the MAT Contribute to trust-wide school improvement. By working together on key areas the collaboration will result in a dividend for the students and staff that is greater than anything achievable as a standalone school.

Each headteacher leads on one area of improvement and reports back to their peers in the headteachers’ forum. They use expertise and resources across the schools and seek to provide improvement, opportunities and outcomes in all the schools.

Targets for 2021/22


Growth Curriculum                                                                         Lead: Pete Griffiths, WGS

  1. Create a curriculum statement and ‘philosophy’ for all the schools
  2. Plan curriculum pathways to provide continuity of curriculum and assessment across all phases
  3. Co-curricular programme and offer for all across the Trust


Great Teaching and Learning                                                      Lead: Sean Furness, TWBS

  1. Use of Challenge Partners to provide standardised approach to school improvement
  2. Peer to peer review and support in areas of need
  3. Coordinated CPD, development and appraisal of all staff, including support staff


Support for SEND learners                                                           Lead: Eimear O'Carroll, WGS

  1. Audit and evaluation of SEND provision, with expertise and need mapped
  2. Coordinated Development Strategy for SEN delivery across the Trust
  3. Improvement in Training for staff and role of SEN strategies in the classroom


Strong Well-being                           Lead: Nicola Chandler, Dedworth, with Louise Reznikova.

  1. Joined up SEMH strategy and provision, and engagement with LA plans.
  2. Coordinated staff well-being startegy including steering group and workload reduction
  3. High level approach to the development of early career teachers.


Excellent Outcomes                                                                        Lead: Martin Tinsley, CGFS

  1. Consistent approach to assessment and tracking pupil data across all phases.
  2. Systematic moderation of assessment points and cross school support on assessments and data and exams (and other schools)
  3. Leadership development including school improvement and raising attainment strategies