Join Our Trust
Becoming a Windsor Learning Partnership School
At Windsor Learning Partnership our current plan is to work together to build a collaborative and coherent approach for inclusive education for all the children in Windsor aged 2-19. This means working in partnership with all schools in the area where possible.
Therefore, we are focused on welcoming schools with similar values and principles to join as a full partner of the Trust, or to work with us as an associate member.
Benefits of Joining WLP
There are many benefits of joining a multi-academy trust, some quite clear and some less obvious. The benefits of joining WLP are:
- Leadership and governance focused on education in Windsor
- School improvement strategy focused on structured challenge and support
- Collaboration and shared expertise across schools and phases of education
- Help with teacher training and improved career progression
- Support with financial management and potential financial savings
- Shared resources and facilities
- The development of wider educational experiences for children.
- Friendly and supportive central team
What does it mean to join a Multi-Academy Trust?
A Multi-Academy Trust is a group of academies working together to achieve the best outcomes for children. The academies are formally linked to the multi-academy trust through their legal status. Being a full partner in trust will enable a school to access all the benefits, and also contribute to the strategic direction of the partnership.
Associate Trust Partnership
Associate Membership is offered to maintained schools and single Academies who are interested in exploring what life is like in a Multi Academy Trust. It is designed to enable schools to experience, on a temporary basis, the benefits of joining Windsor Learning Partnership.